Indoor Air

The importance of indoor air quality

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The importance of indoor air quality

This thread from Jeff Gilchrist looks at the impact of cleaning indoor air, not just from pathogens in aerosol particles but also from other air pollutants linked to various health problems, and what we can do about it.

Regulations and infrastructure (plumbing, sewage, water treatment) were needed to stop cholera and provide clean water but the same attention has not been paid to ensure that people have access to clean indoor air in shared spaces. 4/

Too difficult to update current buildings? Back in the 1850s Engineers raised all of central Chicago so they could install a city-wide sewage system to eliminate numerous epidemics of typhoid fever, dysentery, and cholera.

After the great Seattle fire of 1889, the town's streets were regraded 1 or 2 stories higher so building owners moved their businesses to the next floor up as this was completed ( ). H/T: @steveinashland 6/

One of multiple methods to help clean indoor air is filtration, using furnace/HVAC filters (e.g. MERV-13) or using portable air cleaners like HEPA filters or Corsi–Rosenthal (CR) boxes that you can make yourself. 7/

These filters capture particles from the air so they no longer circulate in that space. You can learn more about how this filtering material (also applies to masks) can stop particles much smaller than the holes in the filter itself here ( ).

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