The John Snow Project - Don't Breathe It In

The John Snow Project - Don't Breathe It In

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Why John Snow?

In 1854, Dr John Snow figured out what nobody else had: the people dying from Cholera were all drinking the same water. 
He managed to convince the authorities to remove the handle from the Broad Street water pump. Sure enough, people stopped dying. It turns out the water was polluted by sewage. His discovery eventually led to clean water in cities all over the world, changing public health forever.

Except soon after the immediate threat had subsided, the authorities decided to replace the pump handle. They had no idea if the water was safe. They ignored the one thing that stopped the spread - not drinking water full of shit. Lessons learned were quickly ignored, and in 1866 the disease spread in the water again, killing thousands.

Sound familiar? Ignoring a deadly disease doesn't end well.

We know how to solve the problem and we already have the tools to do it, but the world has chosen to do nothing. 

Future historians will be perplexed by our willingness to knowingly breathe contaminated air, but one day we will take clean air for granted - just like clean water. 

Our aim is to accelerate that change. 

We are in the worst global health crisis of our lifetimes.
So why are we ignoring it?

As governments around the world surrender to COVID-19, people everywhere are told the virus is mild and the air is safe to breathe. 

We think they should know the truth.

We need to talk about COVID-19

Here are 5 key things everyone needs to know

Number One

COVID-19 has not gone away

It may not be getting the media coverage or government briefings, but COVID-19 is still infecting and reinfecting people every single week.

Number two

The virus spreads in the air

It spreads like smoke when we breathe, and it takes just seconds to breathe in enough to get infected.

Number three

All infections can cause serious problems

From breathing difficulties, fatigue, and headaches to cardiac damage, immune dysfunction and neurological difficulties, all infections can leave complications in their wake.

Number four

Everyone is vulnerable

Even young and healthy people. It's not just old and immunocompromised people that need to avoid infection. We all do.

Number FIVE

We can reduce our risk

We can take action to protect ourselves and those we love. Vaccines PLUS ventilation, filtration and using high quality masks can reduce the risk of infection.

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